Over the years the familiar and social meeting is a fixed date in the calendar of the kite fliers. Thousands of kites fill the air and in good weather it could happen, that the beach of Fanø gets " crowded ". But not really, because sandbanks in the north and in the south still have plenty of room.
We also like to thank all the resident of the island, who put up with this run of people once a year, because life on the island usually is quite peacefull and relaxed.
We can't say the same about our traditional auction of kites and kite items in favor of the "Kinderhilfe Kolumbien e.V."
Our auctioneer garantys an evening filled with humour and actions that usually lasts until the early morning hours.

Fanø`s nature and culture make for a memorable holiday for the whole family. Its summer with beach life and nights were the sun never seems to go down are of course very atractive, but also the fall with it's golden colors, the winter storms and mild springtime with bird migrations are a good reason for holiday adventures.
The flat beaches of Fanø are also exelent for finding amber.

There are also a lot of activities offered to adults and children, for example : music festivals, nature mudflat walks, golfing or a meeting of the kite fliers, from which we like to tell you about on these pages.